
Onboarding and
Employee Service Recognition

Onboarding - Creating a Seamless Integration

onboarding-welcome-employeeONBOARDING -  is your organization’s formal strategy to seamlessly integrate new employees into the company culture.
A well-crafted onboarding process is essential, as it equips new hires with the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective contributors. This process not only removes the uncertainty of a new job and work environment but also helps new employees feel welcomed, valued, and prepared for their roles.


The VALUE of a well-defined On-boarding process

A thoughtful onboarding process offers numerous benefits:
  • Quick Integration: It accelerates the transition of new hires into productive team members.
  • Cultural Assimilation: It fosters a sense of belonging and instills company values from the start.
  • Employee Retention: By making new hires feel appreciated and connected, it significantly enhances employee retention.


Optimal Duration of the On-Boarding Process

welcome-aboard-thumb-200.jpgResearch suggests that the ideal onboarding period spans about three months. A shorter duration might not sufficiently impact the employee’s long-term success within the company.

A properly timed onboarding process is crucial for nurturing early relationships between new hires, management, and seasoned employees.


Recognizing Employees after Onboarding process

congrats-catalog-250-1Celebrating the completion of the onboarding process with a reward lets employees know they are valued right from the start. This recognition can be a part of your Early Service Recognition strategy within the larger Service Recognition Program. Even low-cost awards can make a significant impact, demonstrating appreciation and reinforcing their value to the company.

For those looking for cost-effective recognition options, Select-Your-Gift offers a variety of low-cost gift-of-choice Award solutions. These are designed to provide meaningful recognition without a high expense—because it’s the thought that truly counts.

Select-Your-Gift makes it easy with options for very low cost gift-of-choice Award Packets for this type of recognition.


Explore these Onboarding Related Topics

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BLOG Articles:
for On-Boarding

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Info & Samples for Employee Service Awards

Use the form below to request your free information package, sent via USPS. It will include:

  • Sample Employee Service Award Packet
  • Gift-of-Choice Tier-level Gift Catalog
  • Pricing, order forms, and how to get started

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Program Information

Use this form to request your free information package. It will include:

*  Sample Employee Service Award Presentation Packet
*  Sample Gift-of-Choice Service Award Catalog
*  Service Award Presentation and Customizing Options
*  Pricing, order forms, and how to get started.