
Complete Guide to
Employee Service Awards

Boost Employee Morale with our Guide for a successful Service Recognition Program

Recognizing your employees' loyal service is crucial for building a positive and motivating company culture. That's why we've created this special resource: the Guide to Employee Service Recognition Programs.


What You'll Find in This Service Award Guide

Select-Your-Gift has prepared this comprehensive guide to help your company establish the most effective Service Milestone Recognition program possible.

Drawing on insights from working closely with thousands of clients, this guide presents information, tips and the best practices used by successful organizations to celebrate service anniversaries in your employees' careers.

Purpose of Service Recognition Programs and Awards:

The primary goal of your Service Recognition program is to show appreciation and reward employees for their loyalty, long service, and significant contributions to your company. This step-by-step guide is ideal for planning a new program or updating an existing one. It provides tips and practical advice for your organization's Service Awards Program.

Benefits of Service Recognition:

Every recognition program in your organization, including Service Recognition, provides management with more opportunities to praise and reward employees. These programs work together to create a strategy of continual recognition, leading to higher employee engagement and improved employee retention.

Creating a Culture of Recognition:

Everyone loves to be recognized! The Guide to Employee Service Recognition offers insights, tips, and best practices to help you develop an effective and successful Service Awards Program. This program will play a significant role in helping you establish a motivating culture of recognition in your organization.

Key Sections in the Guide

  • Defining Service Recognition and Its Benefits:
    Understand the importance and impact of recognizing employee service milestones.
  • Brief History of Service Recognition:
    Learn how service recognition has evolved over time.
  • How to Get Your Program Started:
    Step-by-step instructions to launch a new program, or update an existing  Service Recognition program.
  • Latest Trends in Service Recognition:
    Stay updated with the current trends to keep your program relevant and engaging.
  • Categories of Service Recognition:
    Explore different types of service awards to include in your program.
  • Budgeting for Service Recognition:
    Practical tips for defining and managing your service recognition award budget.
  • Formal Recognition Ideas:
    Creative ideas for making your service award ceremonies memorable and impactful.

By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you'll be able to create a robust Service Recognition program that not only celebrates your employees' milestones but also enhances their engagement and loyalty to your company. Start building a culture of recognition today and see the positive impact it can have on your organization.


Or, see Service Award Guide's contents to jump to specific topics

where-do-i-start-180 to get your Employee Service Recognition Program started today...

Call now to talk to a Recognition Specialist
call 630-954-1287  (M-F, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CST),

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Program Information

Use this form to request your free information package. It will include:

*  Sample Employee Service Award Presentation
*  Sample Gift-of-Choice Employee Rewards Catalogs
*  How to tailor your Service Recognition
*  Pricing, order forms, and how to get started.