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Employee Retention Strategies, Programs & Incentives

Posted on 12/18/2014 in Employee Retention

Employee Retention Ideas - Strategy

The employment scene has shifted and long-term loyalty between employers and employees can no longer be taken for granted. Management needs to implement an employment retention strategy to improve retention.

Just as workers must strive ever harder to prove their worth, managers need to explore new ideas for employee retention to hang on to their winning staff.

Here's a strategy and some ideas to help improve employee retention:

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Christmas Gifts for Employees Ideas | Holiday Gifts Employees

Posted on 10/28/2014 in Employee Holiday Gifts

Selecting Perfect Employee Christmas Gifts

holiday-emps-cat.jpgChoosing Sincere and “Unfoolish” Employee Christmas Gifts

“The magi, as you know, were wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger. They invented the art of giving Christmas presents.” ― O. Henry, The Gift of the Magi

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Holiday Gifts for Staff | Company Holiday Gifts

Posted on 10/24/2014 in Employee Holiday Gifts

Avoid these Employee Holiday Gift Mistakes

The holiday season presents a unique challenge for employers. It is a wonderful opportunity to give holiday gifts to your staff and show end of year appreciation, yet it is filled with questions:

Do we give everyone the same gift? What gifts are appropriate? What kind of gift will be appreciated? Will the gift send the intended Thank-You message?

Read on to see some of the common mistakes in gift giving, and an easy solution to the perfect gift for everyone.

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Incentive Plans for Employees | Employee Incentive Programs

Posted on 09/30/2014 in Employee Incentives

Employee Incentive Program- Starting

When management asks you to create a new employee incentive program, how should you get started?

We know that employee incentives have the potential to help almost any organization accomplish its business objectives. Incentive programs can help motivate, encourage, and reinforce behaviors you want repeated and can significantly improve employee morale.

Read on to learn more about this important tool, and see how to get started.

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Employee Engagement Trends | Levels

Posted on 07/28/2014 in Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement Trend Change

employee engagement trend The economic downturn that started in 2008 led to significant changes in employee engagement levels. With so many businesses experiencing declining sales and revenues, management had to make decisions that negatively affected engagement levels.

While some improvement in employee engagement was seen in the following year, the trend changed and fell again as even more companies continued to be challenged by the faltering economy.

With all the news about the country's worsening economic troubles, more people were worried about how to make ends meet than in previous years. This change in the mood of many employees was reflected in the mood of the US workforce in general. With this change in mood, employee engagement levels were low and falling.

A survey in 2013 showed the trended was changing. What happened?

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Sales Incentive Contests | Sales Motivation Ideas

Posted on 06/01/2014 in Sales Contests

Motivate your Sales Team with Successful Sales Contests

Sales incentive contests are great ways to really motivate your sales team. But they will only work if designed correctly. The best way is to give all employees an incentive to increase their own personal sales and reach predetermined goals set for them.

Your goal is to get Everyone to participate and Win! When correctly designed, your sales contests should actually pay for itself.

See this article and get our free eBook to help you design effective win-win sales contests.

A successful sales incentive contest will improve individual performance and productivity, positively impact the morale of your entire sales team, increased sales revenue and allow you to achieve organizational goals in a short period of time. 

Here's some guidelines to follow when implementing a sales incentive contest.

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